This project is been developed by Vinícius Julião (vrjuliao), but the text-highlight is an updated version of Standard ML extension by Darin Morrison (freebroccolo). Suggestions to add or remove? Leave a comment to help make this getting started guide better. SML Environment is an extension for Visual Studio Code, allowing short executions like EMACS sml-mode and providing a text-highlight with some auto-complete features.

The developer mailing lists for Poly/ML and MLton are active and the maintainers are very friendly. StackOverflow has a pretty steady flow of questions and answers about Standard ML. In general there are existing libraries for web servers or JSON or database connections but you'll need to google "standard ml " to find ones and you'll need to evaluate if they will work with your implementation and to your standards. MLton and SML/NJ support MLB basis files but Poly/ML has its own system for including files. The simplest way may just be to "vendor" in all library files and write your own include scripts for the Standard ML implementation you use. Using libraries in Standard ML is somewhat similar to using libraries in C. There is not a well-established package manager or centralized library system. (Or just google "emacs standard ml" and there are a ridiculous number of quality results).Not a book itself but lists a number of historic Standard ML books and resources. Type this key sequence works only in SML-mode buffers (e.g., not scratch. This command creates an sml buffer unless one exists and starts an SML/NJ REPL in that buffer unless one is already running there. A bit dated concept of "working programmer" but still freely available online. To open the SML/NJ REPL within Emacs, type C-c C-s (and then Enter to accept the sml interpreter) while working in an SML-mode buffer.